Angular 8 is just around the corner. Although the Angular team has been a bit circumspect about precisely when version 8 will be released, they recently revealed that version 8 would arrive in March or April. What to Expect in Angular 8 Angular 8 is just around the corner. Although the Angular team has been a bit circumspect about precisely when version…

Building an extensible Dynamic Pluggable Enterprise Application with Angular

In this article, we will talk about how we can leverage Angular CLI build tools to create an AOT precompiled Angular plugin, which can share common code with other plugins and even work with Angular universal. This is an unofficial solution, but it works well for our case… Building an extensible Dynamic Pluggable Enterprise Application with Angular

An Angular Roadmap — The Past, Present, and Future of Angular

In the beginning, there was SproutCore. It was the first comprehensive JavaScript framework aimed at making it easy to build desktop-quality single-page web apps. It’s not that this wasn’t possible before. When Google released Gmail, it showed the world that web apps really could replace complex desktop applications… An Angular Roadmap — The Past, Present, and Future of Angular

How to Start Flying with Angular and NgRx

One of the biggest challenges with any application is managing data. In the world of Angular, there are a lot of patterns to follow to manage your application… How to Start Flying with Angular and NgRx

How to create themes for your Angular 7 apps using CSS Variables

In this post, we will build a super simple cryptocurrency listing app using Angular 7 and CSS variables… How to create themes for your Angular 7 apps using CSS Variables

Managing State Using RxJS Subjects in Angular Applications

In this tutorial, we’ll create a simple note-saving application, and manage the application’s state by using an everyday library like RxJS… Managing State Using RxJS Subjects in Angular Applications


Can I Stop?

Free yourself from Internet Explorer 11 in places where (almost) nobody uses it. Can I Stop?

Browsers are like gods of the internet; it feels incredible when we skeptically think how just a few codes let us virtually access the world on our fingertips. Statically Google’s Chrome is the market share leader with 62.5% followed by Apple’s Safari at 13.8%. Evaluating Popular Web Browsers in Terms of Security and Privacy

That’s all for today.

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